Taking care of your trees is one of the most satisfying jobs for a homeowner if you do it right. Some homeowners find this to be a challenging task particularly because there is too much to remember especially as the seasons change and the needs and requirements for trees also shift.

In this article, we will provide a detailed guide regarding everything you need to know about Tree Care throughout the year.



If you have evergreen trees on your lawn, don’t skip out on spraying anti-desiccants on them. This will prevent windburn, which causes brown needles. Anti-Desiccants reduce the amount of moisture lost through the pores of tree leaves.


Winter is the perfect time to give your trees a trim. This is because trees are dormant at this time, which allows them to heal faster. Winter also prevents exposure to diseases and insects and stimulates growth.


Wrapping young and new trees can provide protection against sun-scald. This is a common condition in thin-barked or young trees during winter. Sun scalding causes the tree bark to crack and dry out.

Protect from Deer Damage

Deer can cause substantial damage to your trees. They are also one of the top causes of attacks, accidents, and bringing ticks to the property. Therefore, you must protect your shrubs and trees from feeding, rutting, or grazing near your house.

Avoid Ice Melts and Rock Salts

Sodium chloride can easily dehydrate and dry out the needles and roots of the trees. Water your trees regularly and remove what salt you can see to flush out all of the soil and its system. Instead, you can also choose magnesium chloride melts.

Get Rid of Heavy Snow from Branches

If you live in an area where this is heavy or moderate snowfall, gently brush the snow from the branches of the tree in upwards strokes. You can also use a broom to gently brush off snow from upper branches in a sweeping motion. Try not to brush downwards or shake the branches; otherwise, they will snap and break.

Inspect the Tree

Make sure that you inspect your trees regularly to identify signs of damage to their structure.



Fertilization stimulates root growth and is one of the best ways to keep trees healthy. Spring allows plants and trees to introduce nutrients after the application of fertilizers, which, in turn, promotes growth.


Spraying prevents diseases caused by fungus. Since the weather during sprint time is usually moist and cool, it increases fungal diseases and infections, such as leaf spots, anthracnose, and root rot. You should invest in high-quality preventive sprays to keep the trees from catching an infection.


Mulching at least two to three inches deep but not touching the base of the tree provides multiple benefits for trees. Mulching prevents soil compaction, promotes organic matter development, and retains soil moisture.


Water will keep your tree hydrated. In spring, shrubs and trees push out for new growth. In order for new growth, they need to be adequately hydrated. Regular watering will also flush them and remove excess rock salts and ice melts. However, you must not overwater your trees as excess water can drain off all of the essential nutrients they need for growth.

Mosquito Protection

Ticks and mosquitos bring hazardous diseases with them, such as Lyme, Zika, and West Nile. If you have a lot of trees on your property, you must protect yourself and your plants by opting for a mosquito repellent or a protection program.

Pest Control

The warm weather of spring brings with it new insects, pests, and diseases that can cause damage to the trees and other plants. You can invest in a high-quality pest control spray and keep an eye out for these pesky creatures.



Aerate the soil to fix and prevent compaction. The dry months during summer can cause the soil to become compact and stiff. Aeration will create pore space by fracturing the soil, creating a de-compact soil structure. This way, the nutrients will also reach the deepest parts of the tree roots.


Diseased, dying, or dead branches can pose a danger to the property as well as people. The branches can fall off or break during storms and can cause damage or injury. It is best to prune these branches to prevent this.


Sometimes foot traffic and heavy rains can easily wash away the mulch. Before reapplying the mulch in summer, check if it is two to three inches thick. If it is not, you will have to reapply.


Shrubs and trees have to face high temperatures during summer, so make sure they get sufficient water. Depending on where you live and how much rainfall you experience, you must water the trees at least three times a week during summer.

Pest Control

Tree bugs and other pests and insects can quickly multiply during summer. Your trees can face extensive damage if the problem is not controlled. Make sure that you buy a high-quality pest control spray to keep them away.


Preparing the Roots

Fertilizing is one of the best ways to prepare the roots of the trees for healthy growth. Applying adequate fertilizers in the fall prevents the trees from facing substantial damage during winter.


Rake to remove fallen leaves on the ground. Leaves on the ground can cause fungi development; hence, removing these leaves by raking will limit the chances of your trees developing a disease.

Plant New Trees

Fall has cooler temperatures, which is why it is the best time to plant new trees. There are fewer chances of damage from scorching sun and drought.


Water your plants regularly to keep them hydrated during fall. The trees can suffer drought stress from summer so make sure you keep them well-hydrated.


Taking care of your trees is not all about the aesthetics and length. It is also about keeping them safe from all sorts of damage to promote a healthy atmosphere. These tips will help you keep your trees in optimum health throughout the year.